About Me.
This is your About section. Every website has a story and users want to hear yours. This is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are and what your site has to offer. Double click on the text box to edit the content and add all the information you want to share. You may like to talk about how you got started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. You can also add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.
University Name
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
University Name
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
University Name
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.

Sobre Nós
Somos uma jovem empresa de consultoria, assessoria e mentoria em contabilidade. Estamos voltados para o mercado e com foco na satisfação total do cliente, alinhando a realidade da empresa, a aplicação das melhores técnicas, formulando assim, um plano de ação único e exclusivo para cada cliente.
Fale Conosco
Este é um canal direto com a Fernandes & Giehl Assessoria Contábil. Faça contato, envie críticas e sugestões.
21 3652-3258
Rua Passo da Pátria, 179, Apto 201.
Jardim 25 de Agosto - Duque de Caxias/RJ.